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Friday, April 12, 2019


Once in a while in everyone of our life a state comes when we feel depressed

Reason differs. Severity differs. Management also differs as per requirement. Some recover early - Some takes more time to be well!

It is true that depression goes away by sharing the problem but can we really share everything with everyone? How many people really understand our problems? How many even cares to listen?

But you can't blame anyone for not listening to you! Obviously we all have many more important things to do! And some people talk that much about their problems that even listener may get depressed!

Look, we don't want to transform the depression from one person to another! We want solution and that can only be achieved by proper understanding.

Understanding from all the perspectives!

You may doubt - is it possible practically? Not 100% but we can try as much as possible! Further than that we have medicines for our help.

It is important to know that all depressed person do not behave in same manner! Some eat more while others do not want to eat! Some sleeps a lot while others can not sleep at all! Some may want to be alone and doesn't want to talk! Some may even have suicidal thoughts!

Even though there are also some common signs & symptoms like a constant state of low mood, aversion to activity, feeling of uselessness & helplessness!

What we need to do is to make them feel that they are important! Look, we don't need to entertain their unreasonable expectations nor we need to give them over importance; we just need to take care of them! To let them feel that their presence matter!

Please understand that ignorance, bully, any kind of compulsion & making laugh of them can worsen the condition.

Do not feel shame. Whenever required, consult your doctor.

Majority of the time proper care, appropriate counseling and empathetic attitude is all they need.

But if required, Medical treatment should not be resisted!

Remember that mental health is as important as physical health.

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