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Sunday, March 22, 2020







Basically FEAR is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

Wikipedia defines FEAR as an emotion induced by perceived danger or threat, which causes physiological changes and ultimately behavioral changes, such as fleeing, hiding, or freezing from perceived traumatic events.

In Psychology FEAR is defined as a powerful and primitive human emotion. It alerts us to the presence of danger, and it was critical in keeping our ancestors alive.

On the website of Psychology Today it is being noted that Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger that has been pivotal throughout evolution. If people didn’t feel fear, they wouldn’t be able to protect themselves from legitimate threats—which often had life-or-death consequences in the ancestral world.

So, realistic fears are absolutely necessary... Problem occurs in cases of deprived form of fear! Unrealistic or Intensified or even a lack of realistic fear needs to be resolved.

A phobia is a distinct type of fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation, in which the person suffers with discomfort or tries to avoids it entirely.

As described on the website of Psychology Today If fear is disrupting or overtaking an individual's life, seeking therapy can help. A qualified therapist can identify ways to develop coping mechanisms and release the fear.

One primary treatment for fears is exposure therapy. A therapist guides the patient to gradually and repeatedly engage with the phobia in a safe environment to strip away the threat associated with it. For example, someone with a fear of flying may be prompted to think about planes, view pictures of planes, visit the airport, step onto a plane, and eventually complete a flight.

Virtual reality has become a useful delivery tool for exposure therapy. Evidence suggests that the modality is particularly effective for specific phobias and anxiety disorders, and the treatment outcomes appear to be no different in virtual and real settings. Virtual reality may also offer an opportunity to reach more people with accessible and affordable care.

Another key treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy, often practiced in conjunction with exposure therapy. CBT helps people challenge and reframe the harmful beliefs they hold about their fears.

Medication may be a component of treatment for the short-term or specific incidents, like a medical procedure. Clinicians may prescribe beta-blockers, which block adrenaline and lower heart rate and blood pressure, or benzodiazepines, which act on receptors in the brain to induce relaxation.

Being a Homoeopath i must say constitutional therapy is having utmost importance along with above mentioned treatments. In which we deal with a patient as a whole person in his environment, including past and present symptoms here along with the deprived form of fear and try to make him respond and grow in a better possible way by giving him the most appropriate remedy.

For more details, write me on

Thanks with Regards,
Dr. Karnav Thakkar (B.H.M.S.)
R.M.O. at Parul Institute of Homoeopathy & Research Hospital
Owner and Practitioner at tHE uLtiM@tE $oLuTi0N
Contact No. +91-8905011169

Sunday, March 15, 2020


hello all..

I am back with DISEASE का POST-MORTEM...!!! and today we are going to talk about FEVER...!!

I know the very first question you will have in your mind is that why this guy is talking about fever when there is a trend of CORONA...!!

Well, there are already a lot of people talking about CORONA, and i know you are already doing more than what is required. just don't be panic. that could worsen the situation. let us be sensible towards facts and our surroundings.

Now, Let me distract you from CORONA and come to our today's topic i.e. FEVER!

There are lot of contradictory opinions while dealing with fever! some says it is natural immune response, some says we shouldn't ignore that! well, i must say they all are true! how? Let us see...

It is true that fever is natural immune response but it is also a fact that we came to know about that when something goes wrong in our body! and obviously proper action at proper time is important. everything else is either useless or harmful!

There is one major myth that use of antipyretics suppresses the immune system and reduces the ability of immune system to fight with the disease causing agent! In fact as noted in the book of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, there is no significant clinical evidence that antipyretics delay the resolution of viral or bacterial infections, nor is there evidence that fever facilitates recovery from infection or acts as an adjuvant to the immune system. In short, routine treatment of fever and its symptoms with antipyretics does no harm and does not slow the resolution of common viral and bacterial infections.

Yes it is true that Most fevers are associated with self-limited infections and use of antipyretics are not always advisable.

Investigating the root cause and dealing with that accordingly is the only wise way!

In book of Harrison's it is also noted that Some infections have characteristic patterns in which febrile episodes are separated by intervals of normal temperature. For example, Plasmodium vivax causes fever every third day, whereas fever occurs every fourth day with P. malariae. Another relapsing fever is related to Borrelia infection, with days of fever followed by a several-day afebrile period and then a relapse of days of fever. In the Pel-Ebstein pattern, fever lasting 3–10 days is followed by afebrile periods of 3–10 days; this pattern can be classic for Hodgkin's disease and other lymphomas. In cyclic neutropenia, fevers occur every 21 days and accompany the neutropenia. There is no periodicity of fever in patients with familial Mediterranean fever. However, these patterns have limited or no diagnostic value compared with specific and rapid laboratory tests.

Clinically it is being noted that some fevers have affection of some specific parts and or regions only! while in some cases fever occurs only at some specific times! some times there is involvement of some specific worsening and improving factors! 

In homeopathy we also try to know unique changes in the diseased person along with those of fever patterns, like changes in behavior, routine, sleep, dreams, thirst, appetite, desires, aversions and much more..!

How are you dealing with your fever?

write me on

Thanks with Regards,
Dr. Karnav Thakkar (B.H.M.S.)
R.M.O. at Parul Institute of Homoeopathy & Research Hospital
Owner and Practitioner at tHE uLtiM@tE $oLuTi0N
Contact No. +91-8905011169

Sunday, March 8, 2020


SLEEP DEPRIVATION is something very common this days. It includes all the sleeplessness, disturbed sleep as well as over powering sleep. well, i won't be able to talk about everything today, here, on this blog, though, let me talk about "INSOMNIA - A sleep disorder where a person gets trouble in falling and/or staying asleep" in short descriptive manner.

Courtesy : PharmaTimes

As written on the website of,  According to guidelines from a physician group, insomnia is difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, even when a person has the chance to do so. People with insomnia can feel dissatisfied with their sleep and usually experience one or more of the following symptoms: fatigue, low energy, difficulty concentrating, mood disturbances, and decreased performance in work or at school.

Courtesy : Verywell Health

Wikipedia describes Insomnia as a sleep disorder in which people have trouble sleeping. They may have difficulty falling asleep, or staying asleep as long as desired. Insomnia is typically followed by daytime sleepiness, low energy, irritability, and a depressed mood. It may result in an increased risk of motor vehicle collisions, as well as problems focusing and learning. Insomnia can be short term, lasting for days or weeks, or long term, lasting more than a month.

In 18th edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Insomnia is defined as An acute or chronic inability to initiate or maintain sleep adequately at night.

Well, There can be number of reasons for this disorder and obviously there are number of solutions which are being tried..!

Let us see some common ones...

As mentioned on Wikipedia, Insomnia can be due to one or more of following reasons,
  1. Use of psychoactive drugs (such as stimulants), including certain medications, herbs, caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamines, methylphenidate, aripiprazole, MDMA, modafinil, or excessive alcohol intake.
  2. Use of or withdrawal from alcohol and other sedatives, such as anti-anxiety and sleep drugs like benzodiazepines.
  3. Use of or withdrawal from pain-relievers such as opioids.
  4. Previous thoracic surgery.
  5. Heart disease.
  6. Deviated nasal septum and nocturnal breathing disorders.
  7. Restless legs syndrome, which can cause sleep onset insomnia due to the discomforting sensations felt and the need to move the legs or other body parts to relieve these sensations.
  8. Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), which occurs during sleep and can cause arousals of which the sleeper is unaware.
  9. Pain, an injury or condition that causes pain can preclude an individual from finding a comfortable position in which to fall asleep, and can in addition cause awakening.
  10. Hormone shifts such as those that precede menstruation and those during menopause.
  11. Life events such as fear, stress, anxiety, emotional or mental tension, work problems, financial stress, birth of a child, and bereavement.
  12. Gastrointestinal issues such as heartburn or constipation.
  13. Mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, clinical depression, generalized anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, dementia, and ADHD.
  14. Disturbances of the circadian rhythm, such as shift work and jet lag, can cause an inability to sleep at some times of the day and excessive sleepiness at other times of the day. Chronic circadian rhythm disorders are characterized by similar symptoms.
  15. Certain neurological disorders, brain lesions, or a history of traumatic brain injury.
  16. Medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism
  17. Abuse of over-the counter or prescription sleep aids (sedative or depressant drugs) can produce rebound insomnia.
  18. Poor sleep hygiene, e.g., noise or over-consumption of caffeine.
  19. A rare genetic condition can cause a prion-based, permanent and eventually fatal form of insomnia called fatal familial insomnia.
  20. Physical exercise. Exercise-induced insomnia is common in athletes in the form of prolonged sleep onset latency.
  21. Increased exposure to the blue light from artificial sources, such as phones or computers
  22. Chronic pain
  23. Lower back pain
  24. Asthma


Finding and treating the root cause is the ultimate solution...!!! NOT so easy, May be NOT always possible But obviously Worthy whenever possible..!!!

okay, Let us see, what else can be done...

As mentioned on the website of Sleep Education,

In many cases, by practicing good sleep hygiene and changing your sleep habits you can improve your sleep. Sleep hygiene is a set of bedtime habits and rituals you can do every night to improve how you sleep.

You can also try Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, or CBT-I, which addresses the thoughts and behaviors that keep you from sleeping well.

you can also contact Your medical provider, who may prescribe you a medication to treat your insomnia. Sleeping pills that are approved to treat insomnia are called "hypnotics." You may build a tolerance to these medications over time. Some medications that treat other problems also may help you sleep. Your provider can decide which medication is best for you. You should only take a medication when supervised by a medical provider.

Last but not the least, you can also contact your homeopath and try Constitutional Treatment which means the treatment of a person as a whole, including past and present symptoms of that particular individual person. When accurately implemented, homeopathic constitutional care can elicit a profound healing response As mentioned in Homeopathy FAQs on the website of

What are your experiences in the cases of Insomnia? write me on

Thanks with Regards,
Dr. Karnav Thakkar (B.H.M.S.)
R.M.O. at Parul Institute of Homoeopathy & Research Hospital
Owner and Practitioner at tHE uLtiM@tE $oLuTi0N
Contact No. +91-8905011169

Sunday, March 1, 2020


All of you must have heard about allergies. Many of you might have seen that while some may have experienced!

Well, This is something really common to heard about. Very easy to talk about. But is that easy to treat effectively???

Look, anti-histaminics and avoidance of triggering substances are but NOT the long term solutions!? It is true, we can't avoid them but at the same time we can't have unrealistic expectations either!

Wikipedia refers allergy as a number of conditions which is caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to typically harmless substances in the environment.

Oxford dictionary refers allergy as a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.

While looking back into the history, as mentioned in 1st edition of the essentials of immunology by Dr. S K Gupta, term "Allergy" was coined in 1906 by Clement Von Pirquet to designate altered reactivity in same persons to the introduction of foreign substances with in the body. So ‘Hypersensitivity’ or ‘hyper responsiveness’, results from the interaction of an antigen with Humoral antibody.

Allergy has two words ‘Allos’ and ‘Eargen’, together form the term allergy. ‘Allos’ means altered and ‘eargen’ means reaction. Hence, allergy means “altered reaction”. In other words, allergy is an immune response against one or several environmental substances during which different mechanisms will provoke the interaction of the chemical mediators leading to some clinical symptoms.

Picture Courtesy :- Health24

For the purpose of management, A state of balance in the immune responses (Humoral or cell – mediated) is essential for protection against endogenous and exogenous antigens.

This is the reason anti-histaminics and avoidance of triggering substances are but NOT the long term solutions!? For sure, they provide us the time to deal with the actual problem in effective manner.

what i used to do in cases of allergy is to help / let the patients find triggering substances and instead of advising them to completely avoid those substance i tell them to avoid those substances initially, followed by gradual exposure under observation, simultaneously with constitutional treatment.

It is my belief that the treatment of allergy can be said well efficient only if it allows the patient to live in harmony with nature it self (including triggering substances) at the end of the course of treatment.

What is yours?

Please share your feedback and experiences in comments or email me on

Let us deal with allergy in effective manner, together!

Thanks with Regards,
Dr. Karnav Thakkar (B.H.M.S.)
R.M.O. at Parul Institute of Homoeopathy & Research Hospital
Owner and Practitioner at tHE uLtiM@tE $oLuTi0N
Contact No. +91-8905011169