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Sunday, March 15, 2020


hello all..

I am back with DISEASE का POST-MORTEM...!!! and today we are going to talk about FEVER...!!

I know the very first question you will have in your mind is that why this guy is talking about fever when there is a trend of CORONA...!!

Well, there are already a lot of people talking about CORONA, and i know you are already doing more than what is required. just don't be panic. that could worsen the situation. let us be sensible towards facts and our surroundings.

Now, Let me distract you from CORONA and come to our today's topic i.e. FEVER!

There are lot of contradictory opinions while dealing with fever! some says it is natural immune response, some says we shouldn't ignore that! well, i must say they all are true! how? Let us see...

It is true that fever is natural immune response but it is also a fact that we came to know about that when something goes wrong in our body! and obviously proper action at proper time is important. everything else is either useless or harmful!

There is one major myth that use of antipyretics suppresses the immune system and reduces the ability of immune system to fight with the disease causing agent! In fact as noted in the book of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, there is no significant clinical evidence that antipyretics delay the resolution of viral or bacterial infections, nor is there evidence that fever facilitates recovery from infection or acts as an adjuvant to the immune system. In short, routine treatment of fever and its symptoms with antipyretics does no harm and does not slow the resolution of common viral and bacterial infections.

Yes it is true that Most fevers are associated with self-limited infections and use of antipyretics are not always advisable.

Investigating the root cause and dealing with that accordingly is the only wise way!

In book of Harrison's it is also noted that Some infections have characteristic patterns in which febrile episodes are separated by intervals of normal temperature. For example, Plasmodium vivax causes fever every third day, whereas fever occurs every fourth day with P. malariae. Another relapsing fever is related to Borrelia infection, with days of fever followed by a several-day afebrile period and then a relapse of days of fever. In the Pel-Ebstein pattern, fever lasting 3–10 days is followed by afebrile periods of 3–10 days; this pattern can be classic for Hodgkin's disease and other lymphomas. In cyclic neutropenia, fevers occur every 21 days and accompany the neutropenia. There is no periodicity of fever in patients with familial Mediterranean fever. However, these patterns have limited or no diagnostic value compared with specific and rapid laboratory tests.

Clinically it is being noted that some fevers have affection of some specific parts and or regions only! while in some cases fever occurs only at some specific times! some times there is involvement of some specific worsening and improving factors! 

In homeopathy we also try to know unique changes in the diseased person along with those of fever patterns, like changes in behavior, routine, sleep, dreams, thirst, appetite, desires, aversions and much more..!

How are you dealing with your fever?

write me on

Thanks with Regards,
Dr. Karnav Thakkar (B.H.M.S.)
R.M.O. at Parul Institute of Homoeopathy & Research Hospital
Owner and Practitioner at tHE uLtiM@tE $oLuTi0N
Contact No. +91-8905011169

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